Projects / Mobile Applications



This iOS application was built to help PBSOC (a non-profit animal rehabilitation group) keep records of dogs available for adoption or foster care and advertise them to potential families. It gave users a way to view all of the dogs offered by PBSOC on one page. Users could tap on a dog they were interested in, which would open a page with more information and a button that could be used to inquire about adoption or foster care.

The PBSOC application was built using Swift, and animal data was stored in an online JSON file that was retrieved whenever users opened the application. This meant that animal data could be updated at any time, and changes would be seen by users immediately after opening the application.

The PBSOC application is no longer available on the app store because the needs of the organization changed.

Technologies and Languages

This application was developed with Swift and uses a storyboard UI.

Mobile Screenshots
